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Moziki TOP (Turnkey Opportunity Program)

The MoZiKi TOP (Turnkey Opportunity Program) is here to empower individuals to create generational wealth. With this opportunity, you have the ability to either invest your money without doing extra work, or by joining our mentorship program to gain valuable knowledge and assistance with your investments and businesses. Having wealth is vital to make a difference in society. The MoZiKi TOP is here to change your financial life, so you can impact the world for good!

Kubwa-Moziki Development Project

Kubwa Moziki is a mixed-use legacy real estate development program consisting of primarily designing and developing a conceptually concrete African village, African town and African city in metropolitan cities throughout North America; secondly strengthening the social and cultural synergies across and among people of African descent with other races and ethnic groups in North America metropolitan cities; and thirdly, creating economically oriented yet sustainable assets for the communities in North America.

The pilot project of this legacy real Estates development program will be launched in the city of Houston, Texas with a minimum of 6-block by 3-block or a maximum of 10-block by 5-block, which will gradually and strategically be transformed into conceptualized African villages, towns and cities. This project will take up to seven (7) years from start to finish. The total projected cost of the pilot project is US$ 255 million (including close to 130 million of equity) over the 7-year period ending December 2027. The anchoring elements of this project/ program are: the African Museum, the African Cultural Center with African Library, African Soccer Museum, the West African Culinary, the East African Culinary court, the Sahara African Culinary Court, the central African culinary court, the Kubwa- Moziki Financial center, the Kubwa-Moziki Foundation center, the Kubwa-Moziki Technology center couple with a tailored accelerator (Textile, agriculture, agribusiness, Information Technology), Fashion Corner, technical school, polyclinics, mini-diamond trade center, business center with 100 offices, Movie theater, and parking

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Medina GC LLC is a strategic business development, contract-asset management company.

With our recognized leadership in applying legal service and technology innovation, we deliver commercial advantage to clients.

Medina GC LLC is a strategic business development, contract-asset management company.  We specialize in project development whereas the contracts are seamlessly converted into assets and then later these assets are creatively tailored and integrated into investment portfolios.